Hot Tub Supplies

Chlorine Granules - 5kg

Yourspa Stabilised Chlorine Granules

These granules offer complete dose rate flexibility are fairly neutral pH value and are stabilised meaning chlorine loss to sunlight is minimised in outdoor pools.

Please refer to the Pool Care guide for further product information in our downloads section.

Application Instructions
1. Maintain pH levels within the ideal range of 7.2 - 7.6. If the level is not in this range, adjust accordingly.

2. Maintain free chlorine residuals routinely in the 1 - 3 mg/l (ppm) range. Shock or oxidising procedures are recommended either weekly or fortnightly with a maximum of 10mg/l (10ppm) for a full shock treatment.

3. Pre-dissolve this product in a clean plastic container at a maximum rate of 100g of product per 2.2 gallons ( 10 litres) of water. Stir well to ensure product is fully dissolved. Add the resulting solution to the pool whilst the pump is turned ON preferably near the water inlets to aid distribution.

4. Repeat dose/application if necessary to achieve the desired level.

5. After using this product, pool water may become temporarily cloudy, so keep the filtration pump running until it clears.

6. After shock treatment procedures allow the chlorine to drop below 5ppm before bathing recommences and in any event wait for at least 30 minutes before bathing recommences.

£31.98 5kg
YourSpa Chlorinegran5

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